Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals

with physical disabilities or visual impairments through the power

of adaptive sport, recreation, fitness and education.

Our Values


    … makes the dream work. We take a team approach to tackle our big mission. We embrace the support from athletes, families, coaches, community partners, and sponsors.


    Everyone belongs at WASA. We create an open, welcoming environment for all who interact with our organization—athletes, sponsors, supporters, and the greater community.


    Trophies don’t measure success. We’re committed to improving the quality of life for our participants, so we provide support, coaching, and mentorship with the whole person in mind.


    Our programs create a strong sense of community, but we don’t stop there. WASA is committed to making the broader community more inclusive.

At Wisconsin Adaptive Sports Association, we are driven by a fundamental belief in every individual’s inherent dignity and potential, regardless of their ability, identity, or circumstances. 

We fully believe in the transformative power of sports, not only in promoting physical activity but also in fostering unity, challenging stereotypes, and cultivating shared experiences. 

We are dedicated to continuously learning, evolving, and adapting our practices to ensure that our programs and initiatives remain inclusive and welcoming to all. We invite everyone to join us in this journey towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future –for every body. 

Committed to Inclusion

Help Us Fill The Gap


Total participation fee WASA charges athletes.


Actual cost of participation for one athlete.

The estimated cost per athlete to participate in their program is up to $3,500 annually depending on their sport.  WASA is committed to keeping athlete costs low. Grants, partnerships, and fundraisers like the WASA 400 make it possible to offer high-quality programs and equipment to athletes with disabilities in Wisconsin.

  • "Being an athlete with WASA has allowed me the freedom to appreciate my body for what it can do instead of focusing on how I feel it limits me. I didn't start playing sports until I was 28, but I can imagine my childhood self-esteem issues wouldn't have been so severe had I participated in adaptive sports sooner."

    Rebecca R. | Wheelchair Lacrosse Athlete

  • "Adaptive Sports have improved my daughter’s well being and has benefited our entire family’s happiness."

    A Proud Papa

  • "WASA gives me the opportunity to socialize with other people with similar disabilities. Sometimes in life there are times when it seems like you are the only one who is disabled, which can cause you to feel isolated. Being around others who are going through the same struggles can make this life a little easier –

    Darrin M | Wheelchair Rugby Athlete

  • "WASA allows me to see the world and possibilities differently. As a volunteer, I get to see who my patients are, and what they can be part of outside of my world of physical therapy and spinal cord injury. It helps me at work to see my patients as a whole and help them to bridge the gap of participating in meaningful areas of life after their injury."

    Kelly K | Physical Therapist | WASA Volunteer

  • "WASA allows me to keep an active and healthy lifestyle and feel confident in my appearance and abilities, learning new to be as independent as possible, giving me a voice in the community, and a forever network of friends/role models to lean on when times are tough."

    – Tony S. | Wheelchair Rugby Athlete