What to look forward to in the group:

The ‘Back in the Game’ Facebook page is going to be our main source of communication and events. For those who don't have FB, check this page frequently and look out for a monthly newsletter with lots of details. 

Group Fitness Nights

Engage in weekly fitness classes to get a full array of health benefits.  Further information on the recurring fitness classes will be coming soon!

Group Outings

Engage in community outing and see what the area has to offer via entertainment, food, and/or sports — all in good company! Look for signup details when available.

Monthly Zoom Gathering (3rd Wednesday from 6:30pm-8:00pm)

Join our chat to discuss topics such as finding a sense of belonging, feeling welcomed in a social setting, and how to advocate for yourself. Zoom calls will happen monthly and may include special guests. Hop on the call to find out! Please sign up via link below.

Peer Mentor Support

Look forward to a casual check-in from your peer mentor at some point this month. Your peer mentor is available to support, encourage, motivate and simply be a friend. Please complete the ‘Peer Mentor Interest Form’ survey link below.


Theme is ‘Nutrition

We will be posting easy healthy recipes, tips and apps for tracking different aspects of health (i.e. calorie intake), and links to adaptive cookware.